The Monique Mantra series! Check it out. We can all relate through more of an authentic spirit!
Greatness Will Emerge
It’s no surprise that every hour I am hearing about corporations talking about business reforms. IBM wants to work with lawmakers to work on reform while opposing the use of any technology that violates basic human rights and freedoms that are not consistent with their values. This can’t stop with just IBM. It can’t stop with a company only adding “feel good” corporate social responsibility initiatives.
This is about finding unique players where others aren’t looking. There are massive clusters of talent that are waiting to be discovered and ambition to succeed. This is a time of hope and innovation! We need to be wise and seize upon this untapped wave of talent.

We cannot wait for the government to solve our problems. We can solve our problems ourselves…immediately! Embedded inclusion is an imperative moral value in every business. Diverse perspectives create multi-faceted solutions.
So, how do you diversify hires and promote that beyond?
Reforming existing recruiting practices. Current recruiters need to adapt. Future recruiters need to be taught that diversification is necessary.
And, CEOs must ask this question: What kind of a leader should I be? What kind of a culture should I build for my business? We need inclusive leaders who tell employees “Where do you want to go? I’ll help you get there…”
No action now means a young generation will break your silos, eliminate your toxic cultures, and redefine businesses with empathy and tolerance.
And, from the fringes of this pandemic, something great will emerge.
Your Monique!
Your Monique!
Monique Porras - Founder & CEO - The Kempington Group