The Monique Mantra series! Check it out. We can all relate through more of an authentic spirit!
You Can't Do It Yourself!
A week ago, I shared that we have two competitors, the first one is “DO NOTHING.” This week, let’s focus on our second biggest competitor “DO IT YOURSELF.”
Follow me here. We live in a world where connection and engagement are important. So, why are we still haunted by our egos thinking that we can do everything ourselves? Sometimes this strategy works, but most often it does not! Are you willing to do all the work yourself and waste time? (I told you this week’s share was going to get interesting).
We inherently think that we are always capable and have the capacity to do everything ourselves. But when it comes down to work, if nothing is getting done, we are missing both.
I often hear folks say, “I don’t know why we want to bring in a recruiting firm because we can just do it ourselves with all the talent.” The real question to ask is, is it really worth our effort, our time and do we have the right talent for it?
As our world reels from societal, economic and health challenges we’ve never seen before, do we still want to think short-term? If you take a look at what’s happening around us, we’ve always tried short-term solutions that have consistently failed, and we’ve forgotten the long road. Many stories have been recently shared on how organizations have thinned and employees are stretched.
We never learn important lessons by focusing just on the next quarter and the pandemic has clearly taught us that lesson. Instead, let’s build our businesses through collaboration, by collectively sharing diverse ideas and thinking long-term.

People with expertise can do a task well in a shorter time span than those who don’t have the required skill sets. So, looking back a year from now, would you really want to have less because you decided to DO IT ALL YOURSELF?
This is a moment in time for you to think that one individual cannot do everything always. Instead, invest in others, build trust and let us ALL join together to get things done.
Marinating Moment:
Times like these we can do it ourselves. In an "everyone gets a medal" sorta way, we can give it our best and be proud of ourselves even if we can't get the job done.
we can work together, rely on each other’s unique talents and get the results we all need. Then we will move forward as a better person, surrounded by better people, working toward a good far greater than the sum of its parts.
Your Monique!
Monique Porras - Founder & CEO of The Kempington Group